About Us
Hope For You International
Hope for You International Ministries was founded in 2006 by AuDera and Terance Clark after AuDera had a dream to start a home for under privileged children, but she didn’t know where. Shortly after the dream they took their first trip to Kenya where they both had dreams on the same night and the Lord telling them to help the people of Africa.
The next morning they were greeted by a pastor who told them he received a dream on the same night and was told to help them connect with pastors who could help them. He introduced them to a pastor who donated five acres to Hope For You and they began bringing children in need there to help support them.
In the beginning, they had little support, so they began by setting aside a little money each month to send to the children and widows. Over time, God continued to increase their income so that they could give more and more. The goal was never to build a giant ministry it was just to do their little part with the little that God had given them. So often, we think it takes a lot to help others, but the truth is that just a little at a time can often go a long way. The journey has not been easy and they made a lot of mistakes along the way, but they kept being faithful to vision they received from the Lord.
Today, Hope For You has expanded to provide support for widows in both Africa and in the United States. They have made numerous trips to Africa and to Asia where they have met and seen the work people are doing and then come home to find ways to help support them. Hope For You also provides numerous training and support classes. Hope For You has provided support to the homeless and school supplies for children. When a need arises they just began asking the Lord how they can help to meet that need. Today they support numerous ministries around the world with monthly support.
There’s a lot of changes happening in 2024. After eighteen years, we’re pretty amazed at what God has done but then we have vision for so much more. We’re really not sure how far we can go so each day we just take another step and trust God to open the doors He has for us. We are honored He’s entrusted to us this small corner of the kingdom for us to work in.

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Hope For You International
1200 W. Walnut Suite 1102, Rogers, AR 72758
(479) 685-8143