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I Am the LORD

By Terance Clark     January 25, 2025      6 Minute Read

Week 14


This Weeks Passage: Exodus 6:2 – 9:35


I love the book of Revelation.  From the time I was a young teen I loved the mystery and intrigue of the book.  It was like a puzzle or riddle that needed solving and I enjoy puzzles most.  Unfortunately, I was wrong about the book.  It’s not meant to be a mystery and that leads us up to this week where we begin the most well known story in the Bible.  The story of Moses standing before Pharoah and admonishing him to let Israel go or else.  It’s easy to get caught up in the pure power of Gods mighty hand bringing down judgment after judgment upon a hardened Pharaoh and Egypt, but this week I want to focus on the key factor behind God’s purpose.

God Reveals His Nature

God tells Moses in Exodus 6:3 that he had never revealed himself by this name.  Let me explain, for the most part, God had always used El Shaddai to describe himself.  El means God and is a common name used for any god it was not personal at all.  No one is completely sure what Shaddai means, but the best definition most likely is the “the one who is sufficient”.  Most times it’s translated as “God almighty”.

Here’s the interesting part, God had used his personal name before to Abraham and Jacob. Anytime you see the word LORD in all capital letters in the Bible that is the indication that his name is being used.   So what was God meaning when He said this to Moses.  In the Bible, a name usually denotes an attribute, characteristic or prophetic destiny, and God’s name implies that He is faithful, and trustworthy.  He does not change with time.  If He has made promises, He will keep them.  That is what His name means.

God is Speaking to All the Unbelievers

That is the secret to the passage and the point God was making to Moses.  Although they had experienced His power, and His might, they had never experienced the fulfillment of His promises, and now they were about to see what it looks like when God fulfills His word which is a fulfillment or completion of His name.  The Egyptians and all those in the area were about to see the fulfillment of Gods promises.

“All questions will be answered

I started by talking about the book of Revelation.  The book is not a mystery.  The real name is apocalypse which means to reveal or unveil.  God was not trying to hide a secret He was revealing his plans and yes they are full of many of the same things that Egypt experienced.  Because just like with Moses, God is going to stand before the world and declare He is greater than all the gods of the world.  He is going to fulfill his promises and we are going to see what it looks like when he fulfills His word.   The amazing thing is when Moses told Pharaoh what God was doing he didn’t believe it, and we are seeing the same thing happen in our time. 

There are a lot of people that don’t believe it, but after God was done there were no unbelievers and when He gets done this time there will be none again.  You can believe or not.  You can speak words of peace or live in arrogance, but either way we are about to experience the ride of our lives and all questions will be answered.  That is the point.  He is the LORD!